Thursday, December 8, 2011

39 weeks and 30 lbs...

And I did not chop my hair off, it's just pulled back. :)

Saturday, November 19, 2011


I was just "complaining" yesterday about how it really hasn't snowed yet and we woke up this morning to this! So of course we had to go and play in it!

(The first picture is what my view from my backyard is in the summertime. The second is it covered in snow!)

Monday, October 31, 2011

Our Halloween Time Adventures!

 Lee and Krystal's Ward Party,

Trick or Treating,

An Almost side view for Margaret...
Peter waiting for Tink to catch up.
Spooky Stories at the Library
Our Pumpkins!
A couple shots from Home after Trick or Treating.

Last, but not least, a Halloween hello and Goodbye from David and Rylee.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Picture #2

For those who don't know and want a better picture, here it is. This picture is clearer than the last, so maybe you all will get it!
Also, here's a profile picture where, the legs are just above the head. Yes they are folded in half like a hot dog. And another one where the baby is just hanging out with it's legs crossed. Enjoy!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Last night's happenings

We went to a Pre-interview party for Moss Adams and it was at Fat Cats. We were invited to eat and bowl at the company's expense, so David and I bowled and he loved it! I wish I had gotten a video of him at the end of our game because when his ball hit the pins he jumped up and down and was so very excited. But I was on camera mode and that's why there are blurry pictures. I hope you can see some of his joy though!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Rylee's little tantrums.

They started awhile ago, but here's what she does.

She throws herself on the floor and whines, then scoots closer to see if you're paying attention yet and lays back down.

Gotta love it!